The Thyroid at a glance

The Thyroid at a glance

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid): Fatigue/Tiredness Increased sensitivity to cold Constipation Dry skin Weight gain Puffy face Hoarseness Muscle weakness Elevated blood cholesterol level Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness Pain, stiffness or...
Treat Insomnia Naturally

Treat Insomnia Naturally

We spend on average 1/3 of our lives asleep. To busy people this may seem like a waste of precious time; and often when we are running on a tight schedule, sleep is the first thing to be sacrificed. Sleep is vital for all aspects of our health and wellbeing, however...
Homeopathy and Diabetes

Homeopathy and Diabetes

What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine. The word Homoeopathy is derived from the Greek “homoios” meaning “like” and “pathos” meaning “suffering”. In treating an illness, it takes into account the unique mental, emotional and physical...
Your Concentration Training Programme

Your Concentration Training Programme

Your mind muscles, just like your physical muscles, need challenges that stretch their limits and in so doing they can grow their focus powers. Here are some exercises that will beef up your focus so that you can begin to lift heavier cognitive loads: Increase the...
Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance

It seems like women are always dealing with hormonal changes and imbalances. Puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause – the changes never stop! Hormones are responsible for so much in the body. Where do you start, and how do you know if your hormones are...