Your Concentration Training Programme
July 6, 2023
Dr Jessica Leske | Hopeopath | Iridologist

Jessica Leske

Your mind muscles, just like your physical muscles, need challenges that stretch their limits and in so doing they can grow their focus powers.

Here are some exercises that will beef up your focus so that you can begin to lift heavier cognitive loads:

  • Increase the strength of your focus in gradual steps: if your concentration span is currently quite flabby, it’s better to build up to the weight you ask it to lift quite slowly. Set a timer for 5 minutes and completely focus on your work/reading for that time period and then take a 2 minute break before going at it again for another 5 minutes. Each day add an additional 5 minutes to your work time, with 2 additional break minutes. In 9 days you should be able to work for 45 minutes straight, with an 18 minute break time.
  • Create a distraction to-do list: stay on task, whenever something you want to check out pops into your head, write it down on a piece of paper next to you and allow yourself to check it out once your focus session is over and your break time has arrived.
  • Build your will power: willpower and attention are entwined – our will power allows us to ignore distractions while staying focussed on the task.
  • Practice mindfulness: simply focus completely on what you’re doing, slow down, observe the physical and emotional sensations you are experiencing in that moment. Incorporating mindfulness will strengthen and expand your attention span for when you really need it. 
  • Memorise stuff: this is an excellent way to exercise your mind muscles – make it a goal to memorise a joke/song/poem each week.
  • Stay curious: the more curious you are about the world, the greater the stamina of your concentration will be when it comes to an endeavour. 
  • Practice attentive listening:  the ability to be fully present with a loved one or friend builds your rapport and trust with them and at the same time making an effort to focus all your energy on someone else strengthens your concentration muscles overall.

From our Dispensary:

  • Methylated B Complex: low levels of certain vitamin B’s are associated with brain fog, mental and physical fatigue, memory problems and difficulty concentrating.
  • L-tyrosine: naturally elevates dopamine levels in the brain, which is the neurotransmitter responsible for our alertness, attention and focus, and feelings of reward and enthusiasm.
  • Rocket Fuel: contains Ginkgo biloba, Siberian Ginseng and Licorice root, which together improve blood flow to the brain, oxygenate the cells of the brain and body, and help to metabolise our stress hormone, cortisol. This formula has great concentration and memory enhancing abilities, helps to improve mental clarity and improves mental and physical energy. 
  • Cerebrum compositum: a great homeopathic formula that helps to improve memory, concentration, and mental alertness. 
  • Co-enzyme Q10: works in the power houses of the cell, the mitochondria, producing energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 95 % of the human body’s energy is produced because of the molecule and levels decline with age. Supplementation improves concentration and memory because it provides the brain with the energy it needs to function optimally.
  • Phosphatidylcholine: the body makes a neurotransmitter called Acetylcholine from phosphatidylcholine. Low levels of acetylcholine are associated with poor concentration, a loss of enthusiasm for life, forgetfulness and preferring to avoid contact with people.
  • L-glutamine: used by the body to make GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that is associated with mental states of calm and serenity, by calming mental chatter concentration will automatically improve.

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