What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine. The word Homoeopathy is derived from the Greek “homoios” meaning “like” and “pathos” meaning “suffering”. In treating an illness, it takes into account the unique mental, emotional and physical characteristics of the patient. Homeopathy is based on the principle of “likes cure likes” – that is, an illness should be treated by a substance capable of producing similar symptoms to those being suffered by the patient. When the homeopathic remedy; made from the plant, mineral or animal kingdoms, that most closely matches the patient’s symptoms is prescribed, it will activate the body’s defence system and the body will start to heal itself.
Homeopathically prepared remedies are safe, non-toxic and can be administered during pregnancy and to new-born babies. The safety and efficacy has been proven by the world-wide support and interest of patients and health professionals and by the research and clinical trials in various related areas. Homeopathy is a system of medicine with which any medical condition has the be potential to be treated.
A poor diet and lifestyle, stress, bad habits, environmental stressors e.g., pesticides, pollution, etc. will slow the healing process as the body may not be able to function optimally. These factors are taken into consideration and are addressed during a consultation with a Homeopath. This implies that the patient needs to take responsibility and be actively involved in the healing process by adopting a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
how can Homeopathy assist people living with Diabetes?
The goals of Diabetes treatment are to control blood sugar levels, eliminate symptoms and to prevent, or at least slow the development of diabetic complications. Once a Homeopath has got a full case history and a physical examination has been done, blood tests may be required.
- Depending on these findings a Homeopath may advise that a particular diet, or way of eating is followed; this may include eliminating refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, potatoes etc.) sugar, fried foods and alcohol from the diet, increasing consumption of vegetables and some fruits, and increasing fibre rich foods such as whole grains and pulses.
- A Homeopath may also advise lifestyle modifications, such as increasing activity levels, stress reduction etc.
- In combination with dietary and lifestyle interventions, some medications may be prescribed. Medicines may include either a single homeopathic remedy e.g Syzygium jambolanum, Helionias dioica, Iodum, herbal medicines such as Berberine or Bitter Melon or nutraceuticals, which are combinations of herbals, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and/ or glandular extracts all in aid of lowering and/or controlling blood sugar levels and diabetic complications.
- Each approach has its own scope and limitations and therefore a Homeopath has to take a decision as to which approach to take for a particular patient; this largely depends on the patient’s general health, complications and organs or systems affected, age, and duration of illness.
What is Iridology?
Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the colour and structure of the iris, the sclera, and the pupil.
It has been said: “the eyes are the windows of the soul”. The iris is the most complex external structure of human anatomy and by way of the nervous system it has a reflex connection to every tissue and organ of the body. Through the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. At the same time there is information sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of the tissues and organs in the body.
Each iris is as individual as your fingerprint. The colour and pattern of the iris fibres will determine your underlying genetic weakness, which may or may not be activated according to your diet, lifestyle, and psycho-social factors.
Iridologists assess the iris colour and fibre structure variations to determine the constitutional strength of the physical body and aspects of personality. Iridology is not a treatment, but rather a screening tool that is used to detect inherent individual predispositions. The colour and pattern of your iris fibres reflects your genetic inheritance from three generations behind you. Whether you develop these dispositions to the best- or worst-case scenario depends on your diet, lifestyle, and stress management techniques.
Iridology can be used to determine potential health problems at an early stage. This enables you the opportunity to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.
how can iridology assist people living with Diabetes?
For a diabetic, an iris assessment will give you more insight into what eating plan, exercise regime, stress management techniques, and supplementation will suit your genetic profile the best and thus allow you the opportunity to enhance the efficacy of your current treatment regime.